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astrolika #9039
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Website:  astrolika.com
About the business: 
Vedic Astrology has now become an integral part of our life. Today people use it for various purposes and it is connected to almost every field of our life. It is one of the most ancient sciences which humans have been using for their benefit for ages. Vedic Astrology can provide you information on almost every aspect of your life, be it love, career, business, professional and personal life by analyzing the position of the planets in your birth chart. Astrolika.com provides you accurate and reliable information on all these topics which are prepared by a team of highly experienced astrologers.
Location:  India, UP, G.B. Nagar , SECTOR 63, D-98
Phone:  9650754134
Hours:  24 Hours
Member Since:  15-Jun-2017
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