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KristinaWiliams #6125
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Website:  callcentersindia.net
About the business: 
Call Centers India has emerged as a frontrunner in the global outsourcing industry. We provide our clients with incomparable outbound and inbound call center solutions. The unique thing about our service solutions is their flexibility. We address to the requirements of our customers in various business segments. Our contact center offerings include customer care, inquiry handling, order processing, answering services, toll free response and various other services. We understand that competition in the business world has forced organizations to opt for outsourcing. This is the reason we strive to deliver quality and reduce the burden of our business partners.
Location:  United States, Washington, Seattle, Suite 4200
Phone:  4028759178
Member Since:  09-May-2014
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How to Keep The Angry Customers? Read More: http://goo.gl/9nmqKL
(Last update: 26/09/2014, 02:07)

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